Stewart 700 Conference


in Paisley Abbey

Saturday 10th September 2016 10am to 4pm

Download the Leaflet and Application Form Here


Chairman Prof. Michael Brown (University of St. Andrews)

10.00 Welcome & Introduction

Prof. Richard Oram (University of Stirling)
From Colonists to Kings: the Rise of Stewart Power in Scotland c.1150-1371

Dr Stephen Boardman (University of Edinburgh)
Lord of the Westland: Stewart kings and the royal patrimony

10 minute BREAK

John Malden (Slains Pursuivant of Arms)
The impact of Stewart heraldry

Dr Warwick Edwards (University of Glasgow)
Good ear, voice rawky and harsh: the Stewarts and Music

13.00 – 14.00 LUNCH

14.00 Introduction

Dr Sally Rush (University of Glasgow)
The Scottish Royal Palaces and the Stewart Golden Age

Margaret Lumsdaine (Marie Stuart Society)
The rich dynastic inheritance of Mary, Queen of Scots, from her Stewart Queen ancestors

Dr Alan MacDonald (University of Dundee)
The Union of the Crowns: absentee monarchy and its impact on Scotland

Summary and conclusion

16.10 CLOSE